image of people revising data charts
NEASC Accreditation

Every ten years, Sharon High School is subject to a review of its accreditation status by the Commission on Public Secondary Schools, a division of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The review process is time-consuming and arduous, but it is an extremely valuable experience, as well as quite essential to the continued growth of the school. The evaluation can be summarized into three phases: the Self-Study, the Visit, and the Follow-Up.

The Self-Study requires us, as an institutional member of the Commission on Public Secondary Schools, to conduct an internal examination of our adherence to a set of standards that the Commission has established. The result of that work, which involves the collective input of students, parents, and staff, is a document called the Self-Study Report.

The Visit comes shortly after the completion of the Self-Study Report and constitutes hosting a voluntary and impartial committee of guest educators for four days. Usually led by a superintendent or principal, the visiting team receives the Self-Study Report in advance of their stay. Once they arrive, they spend their time interviewing stakeholders, observing classrooms, and learning about the operations of the school. Their primary objective is to either validate or invalidate our findings from the Self-Study. The evaluation document that is produced is similar in length, nature, and scope to the Self-Study Report.

The Follow-Up begins upon receipt of the approved report from the visiting team. In every case, the school that has been visited is called upon to take steps to make continuous improvement efforts relative to its adherence to the established standards. Progress reports are required at the two and five year marks following the visit, and often, special progress reports are expected intermittently.

Sharon High School was last visited in October of 2007. The links on this page will provide you with additional insight and information relative to this extremely important process; should you have questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Libano, Principal of Sharon High School.