Special Education & Support Services

SHS has a wide variety of programs and opportunities to support our many students. We provide a range of special education services from inclusive supports to small group alternative instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities who are eligible for special education services.
Related Links
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Asperger's Association of New England
- Department of Mental Health - Provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals
- Individual with Disabilities Act(IDEA)
- LD Online - Resources for students with learning disabilities
- Mass ARC - Educational and advocacy organization for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities
- Mass Department of Developmental Services
- Mass Rehabilitation Commission - Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Community Services, and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education/Special Education
- National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities - National clearinghouse of information about disabilities
- National Institute of Mental Health
- New England INDEX - Provides information about programs, services and medical supports available to people with disabilities
- Parents Notice of Procedural Safeguards - Parent information and rights in special education