Global Education
Global Education
Sharon High School takes seriously its commitment to preparing our students to be "informed, thoughtful, and effective contributors to a globally connected world." The manner in which SHS strives to accomplish this mission takes many forms, including: curricular materials and initiatives, course offerings, foreign travel, international student exchanges, clubs with global themes, student recognition programs, hosting visitors from other countries, guidance services, and community events/partnerships. Our students and staff fully embrace these opportunities, and we also always welcome new ideas through which we can support efforts to achieve our mission.

Sustainable Development Goals

After-School Clubs

Amnesty International, LEAP (Learning English & Progress) Model UN, Spanish Club, UNICEF, Girls Learn International, French Club

Amnesty International, LEAP (Learning English & Progress) Model UN, Spanish Club, UNICEF, Girls Learn International, French Club
After-School Clubs

Amnesty International, LEAP (Learning English & Progress) Model UN, Spanish Club, UNICEF, Girls Learn International, French Club
After-School Clubs

Amnesty International, LEAP (Learning English & Progress) Model UN, Spanish Club, UNICEF, Girls Learn International, French Club
CIEE Global Navigator Summer Abroad

In the fall of 2015, SHS was invited to partner with CIEE Global Navigator High School Summer Abroad Program.
CIEE Global Navigator Summer Abroad

In the fall of 2015, SHS was invited to partner with CIEE Global Navigator High School Summer Abroad Program.
Foreign Travel

Foreign Travel

Brief trips, often during school breaks Montreal, Paris, England, Ireland
World Challenge Expeditions

Peru, India, Ecuador, Madagascar
International Visitors

Past visitors and planned visits Japanese students, Columbian teachers
National Geographic Expeditions